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Milwaukee's Daily Magazine for Friday, Feb. 15, 2013

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Results tagged with 'social media'

Articles (68) - Blogs (3)



I barely understand LinkedIn

Published Feb. 11, 2013

I got an email from LinkedIn this morning congratulating me for being among the top five percent most-viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012. Considering that I barely understand the purpose of LinkedIn, I find this hard to believe. On the other hand, since I barely understand LinkedIn, it just might be true.


In a storm, everyone is a journalist

Published Dec. 24, 2012

When you look out a window during a Wisconsin winter storm, you see snow. No revelation there. Yet, when you look out at social media during a Wisconsin storm, you see the same thing, because everyone is sharing it.


Lexus has it wrong

Published Dec. 5, 2012

I've noticed the new Lexus spots. They're well done, creative and stand out in the current clutter of Christmas and holiday hoopla. But, Lexus has it wrong.

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Reader blogs:

Social Media Myth-Busting

There are a plethora of theories and opinions surrounding the topic of social media in the workplace.  Maybe you are one of the business leaders that subscribe to this school of thought: "Social media hurts productivity in the workplace only serves as a distraction." 

Netiquette 101: People Read This Stuff

I swear sometimes I think people think the net, web, social media, whatever you want to call, is more like a personal bulletin board than the very public freely accessible vehicle that it is. It is as if they think that their post will only be read by people they know or like and forget that re...

Why aren't more jewelers online?

Well the hunt has begun. I have officially started looking at rings.  Only one problem...I tend to be an online shopper and the online jeweler sites are either very limited or non-existent. I even tried twitter, only to find that few jewelers even have an account!I know I'm a socialite when...

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